This website contains lots of information and helpful resources to support people who have a lung condition, plus their family, friends and carers. The site has been developed in collaboration with people affected by lung conditions, carers and healthcare professionals.
We are always keen to hear your thoughts on what you would like to see on the site so we can ensure this works for the people of Cheshire and Merseyside. Please let us know any ideas you have in the Community Area.
Local service finder
In this area you can find out about healthcare services or resources, activities and support groups close to where you live.
Information Resources
Information, conversation and connection
Breathing Point has three aims.
- To provide reliable, up to date and accurate information about lung conditions, such as symptom control, things to avoid, how to manage your own health and what to do if you or someone close to you becomes unwell.
- To allow people to connect with others in the community who may be affected by a lung condition. You can ask questions and respond to group discussions with the guidance of a specialist healthcare professional.
- To provide a local services library with details about healthcare services, support groups and activities close to where you live. You can click use the search tool to find out more about what’s available in your area. You can also tell us about other services that are missing, and we will add them in.
Making the information accessible

Language translation: If you need to read the information in a different language, use the Google Translate button at the top right of the page.

Large text: If you would prefer large text, a different font or find the colours difficult to read, use the accessibility button at the bottom right of each page (look for the figure in the blue and white circle).

Explanations: If you find the medical language difficult to understand, you can hold your mouse over underlined words and an explanation will pop up.
More Information
There are lots of places within Breathing Point to get more information if you would like it.
- Links: Found within the text.
- Resources: Found at the end of each page.